Funk Heritage Center Field Trip

Hi families,Image result for funk heritage center
The Funk Heritage Center Field Trip deadline is FAST approaching!  If you have not already, please sign and return the field trip permission form. Also, please pay for your child to attend via the Wolf Pack Online Store. Deadline is November 4, but please don’t wait until the last minute! Thank you all so much–the students and teachers are so excited to take part in this wonderful opportunity.

Character dress up day

Hi families, October 31st is Book Character Dress Up Day!! Students at both campuses are invited to dress up as their favorite book character.  Additionally, please have your students bring their favorite book (to match their character costume).
Book Character Costumes:   Please no violent selections or weapons.    If in doubt, leave it out.  The purpose of Book Character Day is to enjoy the season together and make connections over literature–please keep costumes related to a book character.
Lower Campus:
Students and staff will participate in a parade of characters at 10:00 AM.  Parents are welcome to come and stand outside the school to enjoy the short parade.

(a) Please do not send to school any type of food or candy. If food items are brought to school, they will be sent back home with your child or kept in the front office. Please keep in mind that ICSAtlanta policy stipulates only 2 classroom parties per year that involve food from home (holiday party and end-of-year party).
(b) Please remember to review our Out-of-Uniform policy found on pages 13-14 of the Student Handbook:

Red ribbon

Dear sweet  parents,
As we end our Red Ribbon Week, we would like to remind everyone that tomorrow Friday October 25th we are celebrating our students’ bright future!
Students are invited to wear neon T-shirts and socks. Please remember to wear a uniform bottom (skirt, pants, shorts).
We are looking forward to see all our students in bright colors tomorrow!


Field Trip

Image result for funk heritage center of reinhardt university

Dear second grade parents,

Our students are completing their Unit on Georgia’s historical figure, including Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and Oglethorpe. As an extension activity, they have an exciting opportunity to visit the Reinhart Center on Wednesday, November 13th.

The fee for the field trip is $30 This includes: the chater bus and admission to the Reinhart Center. If you would like child to participate in this event, please pay online: (click on field trip) by Monday, November 4th. Also, we will send today a permission slip to participate on the field trip.  Please complete it and send it as soon as possible.

Image result for funk heritage center of reinhardt university

Second grade updates

Image result for parents and teacher conferenceHi Second grade parents,

The parent-teacher conferences are this week. It has been a pleasure for us to meet with some of you yesterday and today.

If you have not signed yet for a space please check the link below.



FALL BOOK FAIR is here!                             Image result for scholastic book fair

Parents feel free to come by the book fair at the lower campus during conference week from 1:00 – 5:00 pm

Family Event on Saturday, October 19th from 9:00 am -12:00 pm. We will have story times in different languages. Exact times for our story times will be announced closer to the date.


Hurray, Hurray!!

After all the effort and work, the bracelets were finished today.

Our kiddos are very excited to pass them out and make everyone aware of taking care of the planet by using reusable bags.

We are proud of the work they are doing. 🙂


Our Martinstag celebration is coming!!Image result for martinstag

Please come and join us for our 5th annual Martinstag event on November 9, 2019, from 4:30-7:00 pm.  Please RSVP here:
In conjunction with the Martinstag event, we are also  collecting coats again at  both campuses.
Coat Drive Dates:   October 28 – November 8, 2019 (at school) and on Saturday, November 9 (at the event).
What to donate: 
Coats (any size), hats, and scarves
The items will be donated to the Atlanta Children’s Shelter and The Place of Forsyth.
Want to get involved? We appreciate your help!!  
Volunteer Opportunities:
Items Needed and Bake/Food Sale:

It is time for our annual Fall Giving Campaign! 

It is time for our annual Fall Giving Campaign!
ICSAtlanta relies on the support of our families and the community to provide an innovative educational experience for our students. We do not sell cookie dough or gift wrap, but we do ask that each family give as you are able during the Fall Giving Campaign. Our goal is 100% participation for $100,000! We can reach our goal if we receive $125 for every student. Each class with 100% giving participation (with a donation of $25 or more) will receive an ice cream party and the teacher will receive a prize! Your donation will count for the homeroom of every child in your family. We have great giving incentives like an exclusive ICSAtlanta blanket and free entrance to the pasta dinner and silent auction in March. You can make a one-time donation or sign up for monthly donations. Your total anticipated donation between now and May will be counted towards these incentives.
Please see and make your donation today!

Thank you for your help to make the Fall Giving Campaign a huge success! Please email Michele Neely with any questions.

Hispanic Heritage Program

Hi families,

Welcome back after a refreshing fall break!

As you may know, THIS Saturday October 5th it’s our Hispanic event. We are all very excited to show our performance. Please bring your kids wearing Hispanic track shirt with jeans.

Please see the picture below for the scheduled program


Hispanic Heritage


We hope you are having a beautiful week.

As you know, next week is fall break and then ….  October 5th, Our long-awaited Spanish event.
Thanks to all those people who ordered spanish track -shirts. We are sending them in a plastic bag in your child backpack today.
Once the students have used the shirt at the festival, they can use it on Fridays as spirit wear. If you did not have the opportunity to buy the ICSAtlanta Spanish Heritage shirt, you may wear any gray t-shirt for the event, or you may purchase one at the event. There will be a limited number available for purchase at one of the kiosks.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Ramo & Cruz

2S1 and 2S2

Welcome to Mrs. Cruz’s and Mrs. Ramo’s Second Grade team!

Parents! We need your help!! We have a VERY exciting in-class group project coming up soon. Students will work in groups, so we do not need these items per person, but instead we need them per group of 4 or so students (so please do not send in 44 shoe boxes :-)) If you have any items in the link below (or anything that you think the kiddos might could use), please send them in NO LATER THAN September 5. Thank you!! Group Diorama Supply Needs

Please find our Curriculum Night Presentation here: Curriculum Night Presentation